Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What's the Deal With Eyes?

If someone compliments my eyes (which hardly happens), what exactly are they complimenting? The color, the emotion it brings them, the emotion it projects?

What makes eyes emotional anyway? I have never understood that. I am not a very good analyzer of eyes, but with that being said, I still see some emotion in them. Where does that come from? Is it in the eyes or our own mind.

Someone I know has very unique eyes, and it's not because of their color. One minute, his eyes are friendly and the next they are extremely off-putting and creepy. How does he do that?! But he is a unique person on his own. He's the type of guy that you never really know is serious or not if he tells you something really weird. You hope he's kidding, but you don't know for sure. Actually, that isn't very unique because a lot of boys in my high school are like that.

Eyes are a strange phenomena. They do wonderful things like help us see. But they also do interesting things like lie. In my opinion, eyes are the most devious part of the body. There are some eyes I've come across that are rather enjoyable to look at. Sometimes it's because of their color, but other times it's because they look so inviting. It's all very strange. I don't know how people can make their eyes look friendly when they're lying to you. They hold so much emotion behind them, and I can't comprehend how someone puts on fake eye-emotion. Most of us have acted happy when we're not, but how do you make your eyes look happy when you're not?

Clearly, I have no idea what I'm talking about because I keep asking so many questions. What do you think about eyes? Do you think about eyes? If not, I apologize for being so strange.

I'm going to go back to looking up people on FaceBook that graduated last year. Of course, I can't go to their wall, but I can see what their interests are. I've only found a couple, and I can't think of very many. This is not going well.

Oh, and school is well (but stressful) and my knee (I scraped it last week) is healing. And I haven't been playing guitar as much because I've been too busy. Thanks for asking.


  1. I think you just showed the point of eyes right there. They show emotion! It's like a mood ring right on your face! :) Anyway, you do make a good point. What made you come up with this topic, just out of curiousity?


  2. Good post about eyes... i too have wondered what it is people really see in eyes. I personally have never understood what makes brown eyes so interesting lol! Since i have brown eyes i think they are boring if anything i think blue or green eyes are intersting.

  3. I've been fascinated by eyes for a long time.

    Today, though, someone told me that books tell stories and people don't. So I started thinking of ways people might "tell their story" without actually saying anything. Their eyes are one way. But eyes can also lie and tell the wrong story.
